O petycji

Nasza akcja „Waive Eu (Schengen) Visas for Taiwanese” przybiera na sile. Otrzymaliśmy poparcie min. Dr. Jhy-Wei Shieh - byłego szefa tajwańskiego Biura Informacji (GIO) i przedstawiciela Tajwanu w Niemczech. Podpisują się także przedstawiciele świata akademickiego w Polsce i na Tajwanie. Dołączyli do nas także obywatele innych państw europejskich.

Petycje można podpisać TUTAJ


  1. Hello,

    Send a petition to the European parliament is quite useless in that case as it doesn't have any power on immigration policies of the Schengen space's members.

    In our case most of the countries' foreign ministers already have accepted to the idea but some (I'm not sure but I think it's Malta and Cyprus) vetoed. As all the members must find an agreement so fat it's still blocked.

  2. Hello, I normally do not answer the anonymous comments ..let’s make an exception..saying sth is useless is useless. Action is what matters and citizens of EU and Taiwan have a right to let the MEPs know how they feel ab the visa restrictions.
    The decision to waive visas has been postponed and the rumor has it that it has sth to do with the death executions recently carried out in Taiwan. These two things (visas and death penalty) should not be put in the same basket..it is not fair..don’t you think so…


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